ORAL presentations
Oral presentations should be prepared in MS Powerpoint format (.ppt or .pptx). The preferred format for the power point presentations is 16:9 (as opposed to 4:3). The presenting authors are asked to adhere to their time limits (see below).
Plenary presentations (on invitation) will have 45 min, i.e., 30-35 min to present and 10 min for discussion.
Keynote presentations (on invitation) will have 30 min, i.e., 25 min to present and 5 min for discussion. Keynote presentations are presented within a session and introduce/review the specific area addressed by the session.
Regular oral presentations will have 15 min, i.e., 12-13 min to present and 2-3 min for discussion.
Flash oral presentations will have 5 min, i.e., 4.5 min to present and 0.5 min to get to podium (NO question period).
POSTER presentations
Poster panels will be suitable for posters with A0 format (approx. 85 cm x 120 cm- PORTRAIT, NOT LANDSCAPE) or less. The presenting authors should be available during the poster sessions to present/answer questions on their posters (see program).